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Trade Assurance Wuxi Chaoqi Electric Motor Co.,Ltd

Excellent Manufacturer of Special Metallurgical Motors

YJC Series - Three-Phase Induction Direct Drive Motor for Oil Rig Mud Pumps

Low Voltage Electric Motors

YJC Series - Three-Phase Induction Direct Drive Motor for Oil Rig Mud Pumps

  • Product Detail
额定功率 600kW
额定电压 600V
额定电流 728A
额定频率 51Hz
额定转速 505r/min
额定转矩 11346N.m
最大转矩 17019N.m
额定效率 95.3%
额定功率因数 0.832
级数 12
工作制 S1
绝缘等级 200
主机防护等级 IP44
接线盒防护等级 IP55
冷却方式 CO6(强迫通风Forced ventilation
风机电机 3KW 380V 50Hz ExdIIBT4
防爆等级 满足二类二区防爆Meet the requirements of the two zone explosion protection

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NEXT:YDEJ Series Electromagnetic Braking Multi-Speed Three-Phase Induction Motor

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