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Trade Assurance Wuxi Chaoqi Electric Motor Co.,Ltd

Excellent Manufacturer of Special Metallurgical Motors

YZRDW Series Eddy Current Braking Wound-Rotor Double-Speed Three-Phase Induction Motor for Column Cranes Applications

Low Voltage Electric Motors

YZRDW Series Eddy Current Braking Wound-Rotor Double-Speed Three-Phase Induction Motor for Colum Cranes Applications

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机座号 极数 额定功率(KW) 额定电流(A) 额定速度(r/min) 转子电压(V) 转子电流(A) 最大转矩倍数 转动惯量Kg/M² 涡流制动器(S3-15%) 励磁电压(V) 励磁电流(A) 额定转速r/min 额定转矩N.m 限定力矩N.m 转动惯量Kg/M₂ 重量Kg
YZRDW200L 4 15 35 1390 0 / 2.5 0.67 80 4.7 100 170 390 1.9 480
YZRDW200L 8 15 39 725 200 47 2.8 0.67 80 4.7 100 170 390 1.9 480
YZRDW225M 4 24 54 1420 0 / 2.5 0.86 80 5 100 235 540 2.9 590
YZRDW225M 8 24 55 725 257 65 2.8 0.86 80 5 100 235 540 2.9 590
YZRDW250M1 4 30 65 1420 0 / 2.5 1.6 80 3.2 100 390 785 5.3 750
YZRDW250M1 8 30 68 725 304 70 2.8 1.6 80 3.2 100 390 785 5.3 750
YZRDW250M2 4 34 72 1420 0 / 2.5 1.8 8 3.2 100 390 785 5.3 750
YZRDW250M2 8 34 75 725 304 75 2.8 1.8 8 3.2 100 390 785 5.3 750
YZRDW250L 4 37 76 1425 0 / 2.5 2 80 3.2 100 390 785 5.3 780
YZRDW250L 8 37 88 725 300 78 2.8 2 80 3.2 100 390 785 5.3 780
YZRDW280M 4 55 108 1415 0 / 2.5 2.9 8 6 100 590 1176 8.8 870
YZRDW280M 8 55 117 725 300 118 2.8 2.9 8 6 100 590 1176 8.8 870

PREVIOUS:YZRW Series Eddy Current Braking Wound-Rotor Three-Phase Induction Motor for Crane and Metallurgical Applications

NEXT:YZR Series Woud-Rotor Three-Phase Induction Motor for for Crane and Metallurgical Applications

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